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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/22/25

Sequoyah Middle School

Dekalb County Schools


Soccer Time!

Coach Coleman, Coach Hodge, and Coach Thomas would like to invite everyone to our soccer matches this season! They happen on Saturdays with the girls playing first and the boys following. Both events together take about 2.5 hours. The first match will be on Saturday February 25, 2023. 
The SMS Soccer team plays our 1st opponent Lithonia Middle School at Hallford Stadium. Please come to support the Braves in their first official game of the season. Wear your Braves colors. The players are wearing their jerseys so the fans young and old are encouraged to wear green and gold in solidarity with our soccer Braves!

Saturday, February 25, 2023Sequoyah vs. Lithonia1:00 PM (Girls); 2:30 PM (Boys)Hallford Stadium
Saturday, March 4, 2023Sequoyah vs. Henderson1:00 PM (Girls); 2:30 PM (Boys)Adams Stadium
Saturday, March 11, 2023Sequoyah vs. Chapel Hill9:00 AM (Girls); 10:30 AM (Boys)Adams Stadium
Saturday, March 18, 2023Open

Saturday, March 25, 2023Stephenson vs. Sequoyah3:00 PM (Girls); 4:30 PM (Boys)Hallford Stadium
Saturday, April 15, 2023Druid Hills vs. Sequoyah1:00 PM (Girls); 2:30 PM (Boys)Adams Stadium
Saturday, April 22, 2023Peachtree vs. Sequoyah3:00 PM (Girls); 4:30 PM (Boys)Adams Stadium